Wednesday, 13 January 2016

How to best prepare for your future career!

Mark Yates (left), Careers Coordinator
Now that half of the academic year has passed, it’s a good time to reflect on what you are learning, how this will help with your future career, and what will make you stand out from the crowd.  There are several things to take into consideration...

How could you use your knowledge and skills relating to your course?
You will have picked up a lot of knowledge and skills on your course that you may want to use in a future career. If you haven’t started already, it’s probably a good time to start building links with possible employers that you might consider working for in the future. Find out about any work experience or internships that will be available in the coming summer, and ensure you swap contact details.
It’s not just about knowing facts and figures, but about your transferable skills and motivation too!
Employers tend to recruit staff that are motivated and keen to learn. They are also looking out for key transferable skills; communication, team work, problem solving and showing initiative, alongside some commercial awareness – how can your current studies and experience demonstrate these? If you need help with identifying what skills you have, ask!
Do you want to use your course in a related career?
Having now had some experience of studying the course, do you want to use it to find a directly related career? Or is it just a stepping stone to go in a different direction? If you want to talk this through, you can make an appointment with the careers department who will be happy to help:
Are you planning on studying another course after your current course?
Have you enjoyed studying? Are there parts of the course that you would like to develop more in-depth knowledge about? After your current studies there are several progression options for you to consider. You could look at another college course, a degree course or even postgraduate study!  All the skills and knowledge you have gained will help you in the next level of study.
What work experience or commercial awareness have you developed?
Regardless of the qualification you are studying, employers really like to see that you’ve got some relevant work experience – so now would be a great time to start looking for a work placement for the summer break. It will be a good chance to put into practise what you’ve learnt at College, and also give you something else that employers really value – commercial awareness. What’s commercial awareness? It’s about understanding how businesses work, and how your role in the organisation will help it run as best as possible.  By gaining some experience you can also start to build up your awareness of labour market information, i.e. what opportunities are out there that you might be interested in, and how to access them!
Next steps…..
After some thinking about your course and how you might want to use it in the future, now comes the ‘planning’ part, regardless of whether you have a definite goal in mind or not. Make sure your CV and social media profiles are up to date and professional looking. If you would like support and guidance in writing a CV, developing your social media profiles or you would like to discuss work experience options and/or further study options, please email the Careers department on It’s never too early to start planning, and never too late to actually do something about your future – it’s just a case of developing the ‘career planning’ skills to make the most of your opportunities. 
Written by Mark Yates