Monday, 18 November 2013

A week in the life of Lordships Stud

This week's blog post comes from our equine team. Amy Mills, who is a lecturer in Equine Science and a Breeding & Reproduction Specialist, gives a fascinating insight into a week in the life of the College's Lordships Stud.

Phew!  It has certainly been a busy one at Lordships Stud this week. From designing stable enrichment devices for our four-legged residents, to sitting astride the three-year old horses for the first time and long-reining their two-year old counterparts it’s been hive of activity for students and staff.

We have even found time to put some plans in place for our first annual ‘Lordships Olympics’ which takes place on Thursday 21st November. The event is the brainchild of the students who founded the Writtle College Equestrian Club and insisted upon its implementation. We cheerfully agreed (of course) despite the requirement for a staff team and space hoppers! There will be a glorious prize giving ceremony following a treasure hunt and other team events and a chance for everyone to relax and reward themselves for doing so well.

Prior to the Olympics, students will be showcasing their achievements so far with a variety of the young horses. Over the last week there has been frantic mane pulling and leg trimming going on to ensure our hairy little juveniles look as presentable as possible. It has certainly been an education for them.

Last week a group of students, who represented Great Britain at the International Young Breeders competition in Sweden this summer, hosted a practical afternoon at the stud to help others develop their skills. Sessions included plaiting and turnout and the presentation of horses in hand. Those skills will definitely come in handy next week during the showcase event.

We are looking forward to the showcase event and obviously tremendously excited about the Lordships Olympics. We are immensely proud of the achievements of the students who hang out with us at the stud. If you want to see more of what they get up to take a peek at our Facebook page and look out for the report following the Lordships Olympics – there will certainly be some interesting photos!

Writtle College equine degrees

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