In their second blog, our Norwegian students, Serine and Anne-Marthe, tell you the best social events to go to on campus! You can read their first blog here!
Now that you all know a bit about us and our journey towards being students at Writtle College, we will introduce you to the events during the year worth joining.
The Baa Nights
Students on campus |
This is our student bar on campus which always has an event every Monday. These are usually themed nights with a huge variation from Army Night, Come as your Course, ABC anything but clothes (cheeky), Halloween Night, Karaoke Night and Movember. This varies from year to year depending on the Students' Union (SU) and the Social Officers who are elected every year.
At The Baa |
At The Baa |
Moulshams 11
Anne-Marthe and Serine |
This is the major RAG (raise and give) event of the year. It is a bar crawl with 11 bars included. All the money raised goes to a charity. We start at The Baa and end the whole route with Evoke, where you should wear your dancing shoes because this is one of the largest dancing floors in Chelmsford. The club is only open for Writtle students as this event usually is held on a Monday; many previous students also join in because this is a big event of the year.
Evoke nightclub |
Evoke nightclub |
The three main Balls:
Photo Booth at the Freshers' Ball |
Photo booth fun |
Anne-Marthe and Serine at the Freshers' Ball |
Freshers' Ball is the first one of the year; you could say this is the most influential one. This is where you are new, everything is new and you have the greatest night with friends you have just met. As you all might know this is the end of Freshers' Week where you have had many other different events, so of course the week should end with a big bang! A lot of effort is put into these big events and therefore they are a bit more special than the others. They offer a photo booth and this year the theme of the ball was silver.
Snow Ball |
The next big event is the Christmas Ball. As of now you are more than just acquaintances with your friends, you have had a semester together and know each other hopefully very well. This is usually not a themed night. Different from the Fresher`s Ball it usually has a guest DJ who is quite famous. This year we had Radio 1 star Matt Edmondson and Tom Parker (The Wanted) as the supporting act. If you are a person that loves to dance then this is the place for you, a lot of good music and the atmosphere is top notch.
Photo booth at The Snow Ball |
Getting ready for the Snow Ball |
The last but very best happening of the year is the Summer Ball. Everybody is happy (hopefully) because the year is over and the summer break is closing in. The exam pressure is off our shoulders and it`s time to celebrate what you have achieved during the year. You can feel the warm breeze, and now it`s time to be social with your best friends. You have now became so close and you know your friends' routines in your sleep. This is one of the happenings that usually old students join in, so this easily becomes the major happening. This event provides you with professional photographer, fair and as well as a famous DJ, last year it was Chris Stark.
Serine and Anne-Marthe ready for The Summer Ball |
Thanks for reading, next time we will tell you a bit about the course we are studying.
Serine and Anne-Marthe
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